Where Passion Meets CURIOSITY & Doubts Disappear!

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Embrace the uninitiated child & change the face of technology forever!

Here's Why JEKL Institute is Awesome

Science | Technology | Engineering| Art+design | Mathematics

First-Rate Programs

Whether a beginner, expert, or somewhere in between, we offer a variety of high-quality interactive workshops and programs for students designed to expand their understanding of the interdependent STEM disciplines and how Art + Design is the thread that helps us achieve our STEM learning goals. Students are innately creative, futuristic visionaries who are capable of incredible things when given access and support.


Commitment to Excellence

Our mission is to embrace the unitiated child and change the face of technology forever, to work with parents, school districts, educators and community partners to pursue and achieve excellence both inside and outside the classroom. We encourage critical thinking and emphasize the learning process include collaboration, risk taking and fails, rewarding our geniuses when their best efforts propel them to persevere!

What makes The JEKL Institute unique?

  • Everyone is a collaborator

    Many STEM-focused nonprofits exist within Colorado, nationally, and internationally. While these organizations may be perceived as competitors, The JEKL Institute views these organizations as potential collaborators.

  • We focus on all STEAM disciplines

    Other nonprofit organizations providing STEAM programs often focus on one or two specific skill sets.

  • Our programming is customizable

    Our curricula draw connections between STEAM and everyday activities to allow students to build connections, confidence and understanding before they fully commit to a specific career path.

  • We are culturally representative

    Our programming unapologetically highlights the achievements of women and BIPOC innovators in STEAM, which sets our programming apart and allows participants to see themselves as future STEAM professionals.

  • We never assume that participants have common resources

    The JEKL Institute provides the resources needed in order for every student to actively participate in our STEAM programming regardless of their situation or background.

What services do we provide? Programming and Workshops

The JEKL Institute’s programming includes a series of customizable STEAM activities that empower
educators and advocates to inspire BIPOC scholars to explore and pursue STEAM career paths.

The JEKL Institute’s programming consists of interactive maker activities that integrate concepts
across the STEAM disciplines to further engage curious minds – i.e., future doctors, engineers, and
technologists – as well as make the connection for those whose interests are in fields not
immediately identified in STEAM.

Throughout our history, more than 20,000 youth have participated in our activities in three countries and on two continents.

Our Partners & Supporters


JEKL is available for:
Speaking Events
Corporate Events
Community Events
Classroom & Entire School Events

JEKL will develop and tailor a STEAM event around your organization's needs.